- 独立注册税号,您必须在13岁以上。
- 申请澳洲税号,您必须拥有一个有效的澳大利亚电话号码和地址。
- 外籍护照持有人申请税号,必须要有澳大利亚有效签证或是居留许可。
- 新西兰护照持有人可以直接申请税号,一旦他们入境澳大利亚。
- 13岁以下的儿童也可以申请澳大利亚税号,前提是其中一个父母代替提交税号申请。.
- 如何预约面试在收到税号确认文件后? book an appointment
- 找到距离您最近的邮局以便完成澳大利亚税号申请。 Post Office .
澳大利亚居民和持有有效签证的外籍人士均可以申请税号。新西兰护照持有人将在抵达时自动获得签证。 13岁以上的申请人也可以在线申请税号(TFN。
All the Australian residents and Foreign passport-holders, who hold a valid visa can apply for TFN. New Zealand passport holders will have a visa automatically on arrival. Also applicant above 13-years old can apply for TFN online.
Apply TFN for child: If you are a parent or carer, you can apply tax file number for child support or add children to your existing child support case using this online process. The child support legislation specifically refers to taxation information check TFN for Child support
Students are required to provide their TFN, or a Certificate of application for a TFN, on or before the census date for the unit of study for which they wish to obtain a HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP loan. see detail
Tax File Number (TFN) is a personal reference number widely use within Australia, Everyone maybe required to have one, because a TFN is needed for most public offices, especially giving to employer, opening of bank accounts, government benefits, claim your tax return, getting a TFN will also allows you to pay a lower tax rate.